Sometimes you just need to talk to a human

Picture of John Delves, Managing Director Magnet Networks

Sometimes you just need to talk to a human.

At Magnet Networks, all our business technical support calls are answered by a technician almost instantly – meaning customers can escape the dreaded holding pattern or automated answering service.

No-one wants to be placed on hold for what seems like an indefinite duration at the very time when they may be frustrated and need advice on an issue.

We offer a guarantee that if customers need technical assistance, their call will be answered almost instantly during business hours, they will speak directly to a technician and that an expert will be working on their query within 30 minutes of the call.

Our seven-day Ireland-based technical support service answers calls in an average of 11 rings.

Our customers have told us that quality of service and the ability to speak to a human on all occasions has been one of the great drivers of loyalty to Magnet Networks.

Because broadband or connectivity is so critical, as has been proven over the last year, if you call for support, it is because you need to actually talk to a human there and then. 

You don’t want to go into a queue, you don’t want to be waiting 30 minutes, and you certainly don’t want to be given excuses about the customer care centre itself.

For a sector that competes on speed and reliability, the connectivity industry often leaves its customers feeling disconnected. 

It should not be such a challenge for companies to deliver a good customer experience, particularly given the level of importance that connectivity plays in our lives.

Reports show the communications sector in Ireland saw its customer experience scores drop by over 10% last year, leaving it at the bottom of the league table for the second year running.

The annual customer experience report by the CX Company stated that in a time of crisis, our communications sector saw its “You Get Me” scores drop by almost 12%, the largest decrease across all of 10 sectors surveyed. 

You Get Me (one of the six measurements used in the survey) is all about walking in your customer’s shoes and being able to understand and empathise with their circumstances.

This empathy is even more important in these current times of stress, worry and change, and its loss is indicative of an industry which may be disconnecting from its customer base.

The Communications Sector dropped by 10% with only 7% of its brands making it into the top 100 on the CX Company Customer Excellence Report – an annual fall of 10%.

Getting the balance right between technology and the human touch is critical. The most memorable experiences are the ones that are sparked by interacting with others.

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